i wouldn't put it past 意味

  • I wóuldn't pút it pàst O
    ((略式))〈人〉なら〔…を〕やりかねないと思う〔to do〕.


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. yeah , well , i wouldn't put it past ivy .
  2. yeah , well , i wouldn't put it past ivy .
  3. i wouldn't put it past neechan to follow anyone for a piece of candy .
  4. i wouldn't put it past niiyama .
    新山なら やりかねないよ
  5. i wouldn't put it past you .
    君なら やりかねないからな


        wouldn't put it past someone to:    (人)なら(to 以下{いか}を)やりかねないと思う I wouldn't put it past her to give you short change. 釣り銭をごまかすぐらい彼女ならやりかねない。
        i wouldn't bet on it:     I wouldn't bet on it. Click...
        i wouldn't mind:     I wòuldn't mínd O [doing] ((略式))…が欲しいのですが[したいのですが].
        i wouldn't say no:     I wóuldn't [wón't] sày nó. ((英略式))お願いします;〔…を〕いただきます〔to〕 “Have some icecream.”“Well, I won't ~ no.” 「アイスクリームをどうぞ」「ええ,いただきます」.
        i wouldn't say that:     í wouldn't sày thát. ()((略式))私だったらそうは言わないね,そうかな私はそうは思わないな《◆I don't ~ that. の遠回し表現》.
        what wouldn't i give for:     Whát wòuldn't I gíve for O [to do]! ((略式))…を手に入れる[…する]ためにはどんなことでもしたい(◇[類] I would give anything [a great deal, a lot, my right arm, the world] for O [to do].).
        wouldn't:    【発音】wu'dnt、【@】ウドゥント、ウドント、【分節】would?n't -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- would not の縮約形
        put an end to the past:    過去{かこ}と決別{けつべつ}する
        put it past to do:     pùt it pást O to do ((略式))[wouldと共に否定?疑問文で]〈人〉が(悪事などを)できると思う I wouldn't ~ it past him to lie. 彼ならうそをつきかねないと思う.
        put the past behind:    過去{かこ}を葬り去る
        would not put it past someone to:    (人)なら~するくらいはやりかねないと思う I would not put it past John to take all of those stray cats home. 私は、ジョンなら迷子になっているすべての猫を家に連れて行くくらいはやりかねないと思う。 I wouldn't put it past you to put me on. 君は僕をだますくらいのことはしかねないからね。
        if you are trying to think of a housewarming gift, i wouldn't say no to:    もし引っ越し祝いを頂けるなら~をくれてもいいですよ
        put the dot on the letter i:    i の字に点を打つ
        put words i:     pùt wórds in [ìnto] O's móuth (1) 言うべき内容[言葉]を〈人〉に教える. (2) (故意に?早とちりで)〈人〉が言いもしないことを言ったことにする.
        put one's past behind him:    過去{かこ}を捨て去る


  1. "i wouldn't like your behavior to cloud your prospects of promotion"の英語
  2. "i wouldn't mind"の英語
  3. "i wouldn't offend him for the world"の英語
  4. "i wouldn't pass the time of day with him"の英語
  5. "i wouldn't pass up a chance like that"の英語
  6. "i wouldn't put it past him to betray us"の英語
  7. "i wouldn't say no"の英語
  8. "i wouldn't say that"の英語
  9. "i wouldn't think of being unfaithful to my wife"の英語
  10. "i wouldn't pass the time of day with him"の英語
  11. "i wouldn't pass up a chance like that"の英語
  12. "i wouldn't put it past him to betray us"の英語
  13. "i wouldn't say no"の英語

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